TriOrient Investments is a private institutional investor which has been active in Asian markets since 2010. Our primary focus is investment in companies listed on stock markets in the Asia region, particularly in Taiwan as well as Hong Kong and Singapore.
Composed of a team with with decades of of experience in Asia's capital markets, TriOrient Investments has a deep understanding of the industries, firms and trends in the region. At the same time, with its international team, we look at the markets in Asia from a global perspective.
Our team aims to develop relationships that promote growth at the firms in which we invest. With no outside investors, TriOrient Investments has the freedom to focus on industries and firms it believes have the best growth potential, where the fund's capital can have an important impact, and will create win-win strategies between TriOrient Investments and the firms in which it invests. As such, TriOrient Investments over the years has invested in a wide range of industries, firms and projects that offer strong prospects for solid growth for many years to come.
With the pace of development on technology, industry and corporate levels becoming increasingly faster as supply chains are reshuffled around the region and world, companies' needs for capital has expanded at an even quicker pace. TriOrient Investments makes the most of its knowledge and resources to assist such growing firms, helping them expand and strengthening their financial competitiveness while supporting their management teams.

Sectors targeted:
Electric Vehicles
Electronics & ICT
Renewable Energy
Upstream Materials
Traditional Industries
Biotechnology & Medical
TriOrient Investments does not provide investment advice, recommendations or consulting services of any kind. All comments to the media and other organizations are for information purposes only and intended to help educate the general public.
Alvin Chui, Chief Investment Officer
Chris Cottorone, President, Research
Dan Nystedt, Vice President, Research