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TriOrient Investments in this section shares a variety of news and investment sources that shed light on global and regional trends in investment as well as industry.
News and Reports of Note includes special stories or reports that are informative from a broader perspective and assist in understanding industry, technology or investment trends.
What We Read provides links to a variety of news and other information sources as part of our research effort on targeted industries.
Our News Ticker to the right includes some headlines and links to news reports that are grabbing market attention currently, with particular focus on the semiconductor, electric vehicle, and renewable energy segments, as well as ESG in the Asia-Pacific region.
News and Reports of Note
Investment: Taiwan ranks No. 5 in world in net wealth
Source: Taiwan News
SEMI: Economic initiative with U.S. will not damage Taiwan's semiconductors: official
Source: FocusTaiwan
News Ticker
News and reports of note
What We Read
Our team relies on a variety of news and other information sources as part of our research effort. We try to keep up with trends and changes in targeted industries. Here are some of the sources we review regularly:
Tech Industry
Business & Investment
Regional Focused
Commercial Times (in Chinese)
Economic Daily News (in Chinese)
What we read
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