TriOrient Investments' team was approached by one of Switzerland's leading consultancies that focuses on public relations and communications related to mergers and acquisitions, among other areas. This led to the Swiss financial media group, Finews AG, publishing a story that was collaboratively written by the executives from TriOrient Investments and RENT PR, regarding M&A and also doing business in Taiwan.
Indeed, there are increasing opportunities between Taiwan’s economy and Switzerland’s as well as the rest of Europe. At the same time and as the article notes, it is important to understand what makes Taiwan special and also different as an economy, political system and society. This is not easy to do, as since the early 1970s, much of the world has been in effect demanded to not directly interact with Taiwan, and as any international business person knows well, it is impossible to do business with firms in other countries if one does not know they system, rules and society there.

We add some additional comments here because every publication may edit or highlight different parts of any piece to better suit the interests its audience. Indeed, it is completely correct that “guanxi” - which the title ended up including - is so critical to do business in Taiwan, as it is more a requirement in China, where the government can play a larger rule in its corporate community.
Also, while business etiquette in Taiwan is strongly influenced by Chinese tradition and culture, Japanese culture does as well as Japan ruled Taiwan from 1895 until 1945. As someone from China who visited Taiwan for the first time last year told me while in town, they were amazed how much Japanese cultural influence exists on the island. Undoubtedly, this is something not acknowledged on the mainland, for understandable reasons.
While the editors highlighted that Switzerland observes the so-called “One China Policy,” having lived, worked and studied on both sides of the Taiwan Strait for nearly all the past few decades starting in 1988, to me, there has always been “Two Chinas,” with the societies on each side of the Taiwan Strait producing different but also at times similar responses to problems their societies are facing.
We again thank all of those who assisted on this as understanding the importance of culture in business can be tremendous, something the people at RENT PR know very well, to the benefit of their clients.
You can read the full article here at Finews Asia: Guanxi is the Magic World